What Does It Do
The 8am rush is a chronic problem faced by primary care practices. Smart Triage helps NHS GP practices and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) solve this issue by giving patients the power of self-service. From assessing symptoms to facilitating self-booking appointments, Smart Triage safely navigates patients to the most appropriate care setting, without input from practice staff.
By implementing Smart Triage, GP practices and PCNs can improve patient access, reduce workload, unlock capacity, and manage patient demand more effectively.
Our practice customers are saying that the key to unlocking more GP capacity is ensuring their triage process is safe and effective, and patients are being seen by the right clinician at the right time.

Most online consultation systems rely on human clinicians or care navigators to triage patient requests. Any resulting process typically requires practice staff to manually review all inbound requests. This can lead to overreliance on the most in demand GPs at best, or unsafe decisions at worst.
Practices using our system have reported experiencing a far less severe 8am morning rush. And often have GP availability throughout the day.
Rapid Health is a safe and reliable, UKCA medical-device-assured, digital Care Navigator. It doesn't need hiring, training, or motivating. It works 24/7 and can be switched on in less than a day.
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